Kaitlyn M. Tucker-Marchini
Senior Counsel | Sacramento
Tel: 916.329.7433
Fax: 916.329.9050
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Kaitlyn M. Tucker is Senior Counsel in Lozano Smith's Sacramento office and co-chair of the firm's Special Education Practice Group. Ms. Tucker primarily represents public school district clients on issues related to special education and student matters.Experience
Ms. Tucker represents local educational agencies in various legal forums in California, including the Office of Administrative Hearings, Office for Civil Rights, and the California Department of Education. This includes representing school districts in all aspects of due process, including resolution sessions, mediations, settlement negotiations, and hearings. She also regularly advises and represents school districts through state and federal law related to special education, such as the IEP and 504 processes, including attending IEP meetings, reviewing assessments, participating in 504 meetings, and ensuring compliance at all stages. Ms. Tucker has obtained successful decisions related to a school district's right to assess, right to implement an IEP without parental consent, and interim alternative educational setting placements.Ms. Tucker also provides guidance and represents school districts with student-discipline related matters, including suspensions, expulsion hearings, expulsion appeals, temporary restraining orders, etc. She also focuses on assisting school districts with taking proactive measures to avoid disputes and create strong relationships with the community, including reviewing policies and procedures and assisting in alternative dispute resolutions. Her professional experience includes working with the California College Guidance Initiative, the Office of Fair Housing and Equity, and the Office of Senate Counsel.