Episode 55 Special Education - Private Schools and Alternatives to Public School Placements
In the wake of COVID-19, many families have experienced or explored new ways for their children to receive education. Lozano Smith attorneys Lauri Arrowsmith and Kaitlyn Tucker will examine the recent trend of more parents seeking alternative placements for their children with disabilities and how educational agencies should handle such requests, including those seeking placement at a private or home school. This episode will also address recent case law in the past year which provides meaningful directives on this issue.
Show Notes & References
- 1:43- Trends in placement requirements
- 3:28- Obtaining private placement
- 4:42- 10-day unilateral placement notice
- 5:49- Changes to plans and individual services plans (ISPs)
- 6:36- Capistrano v. S.W. 80 IDELR 31 (9th Cir. 2021)
- 11:02- Homeschooling
- 12:48- Independent study and students with disabilities
- 13:12- E. E. v. California (N.D. Cal. Nov. 4, 2021) (N.D. Cal. Feb. 28, 2022) Slip Copy. 2022 WL 597035
- 14:38- Independent study vs. home hospital
- 16:09- Potential issues
- 18:30 - Best practices and takeaways
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