The following document outlines criteria and measures for assessments. It also delves into assessment reports, including whether criteria were satisfied.
IEP Notice & Agenda
IEP Notice & Agenda Checklist
Responding to IEE requests.
Prior Written Notice
The following document is a checklist designed to outline when written notice must be given, how it must be executed and options to consider. It covers, for example, procedural protections, sources for assistance, components during IEP meetings and timelines.
CEQA - School Districts
The CEQA checklist is a preliminary guideline to assist school districts in determining what level of review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”, Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq.) when the districts build new facilities, expand or alter school sites or undertake other projects.
Surplus Property
This checklist includes an executive summary of the process and statutory time requirements throughout the process.
Mandatory Employee Orientations
In order to assist you as you prepare for new employee orientations, Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) asked Lozano Smith to develop an easy to use overview of the new law and common FAQs related to the passage and signing of AB 119.
IEP Planning
Assessment Timelines
Due Process Timelines
Special education law requires compliance with deadlines that are triggered once a request for due process hearing has been filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (“OAH”). Summarized here are some of the most relevant deadlines to track and adhere to.
Student Discipline
Section 504
Special Ed. Acronyms
Title IX Toolkit
Charter Facilities
Proposition 39 obligates a school district to provide facilities to charter schools that operate within the district. The law provides a specific and rapid request and offer procedure. The facilities offered to a charter school must be “reasonably equivalent” to the facilities provided to students at district operated schools. The obligations of a school district, under Proposition 39, are highlighted in Lozano Smith’s Charter School Facilities and Proposition 39 Compliance resource. This one page document can serve to guide the district’s strategy upon receiving a request for facilities from a charter school.
Public Records Act
The term “public records” includes any writing relating to the public’s business if it is prepared, owned, used,
or retained by any state or local agency. This definition is purposefully broad to protect the public’s interest in
remaining informed regarding the actions of government.
IEP Note Taking
Writing appropriate notes at an Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) meeting is vital to the success of the IEP process and critical to documentation of the IEP team’s discussion. IEP notes are essential because IEP notes provide a written record as to what transpired at the IEP meeting. Below, we provide a list of essential note taking strategies to consider regarding each IEP meeting.
Brown Act Summary
Lozano Smith regularly provides counsel and training on a host of government relations issues, including Board Policy reviews, the Brown Act, mandated costs, ethics and conflicts of interest, and the Public Records Act. This is only a summary of key provisions of the Act, rather than a detailed overview of all its requirements.
Board Social Media Use
AB-992 has clarified that a member of the Board “shall not respond directly to any communication on an internet-based social media platform regarding a matter that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body that is made, posted, or shared by any other member of the legislative body.” This list provides recommended best practices for board members’ use of private social media platforms following passage of AB-992. This is not a comprehensive list of issues that may arise and any use of social media should adhere to all relevant board bylaws, policies and administrative regulations.
Lozano Smith publications are reserved for school district or public agency employees only. Please contact Client Services for more information.