2018 ACSA Every Child Counts - Table Talk

Marijuana in School Setting
Event Single


The passage of Proposition 64 made the recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21 legal. But how does the passage of Proposition 64 affect students, including students with special needs? Are students now able to use marijuana and/or its derivatives while at school? What if a student with special needs uses medical marijuana as part of a doctor's recommended treatment plan? Today's table talk will delve into relevant law regarding the use of medical marijuana in the student context, looking at what school districts can and should be doing in light of recent demands/developments by students who are (or want to be) using medical marijuana while at school.

This event is reserved for school district or public agency employees only. Please contact Client Services for more information.

Event Info:

  • February 15th, 2018
  • 7:00am - 8:00am
  • Anaheim Marriott Hotel
    Marquis Grand Ballroom
  • 700 W. Convention Way
    Anaheim, CA
  • Table Talks


