Episode 65 Special Education and Independent Study in the Post-Pandemic Era

In this Lozano Smith Podcast episode, host Sloan Simmons talks with Lozano Smith special education attorneys Kendra Tovey and Amanda Cordova regarding independent study in the context of special education students in light of the now existing independent study legal framework post-pandemic.
Show Notes & References
- 1:06- Special education students participation in Independent Study (IS) (Client News Brief 39 - August 2022)
- 2:16- Transitioning back from distance learning
- 3:45- Responding to IS requests
- 4:26- Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- 6:13- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- 8:34- Amending Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) to provide a FAPE during IS
- 9:17- Changing placement and other considerations
- 10:08- E. E. et al. v. State of California et al. (N.D. Cal.) Case No. 21-cv-07585-SI (2022 WL 16752080)
- 13:47- Providing services to students participating in IS
- 15:40- (Nonpublic Agency) NPA
- 16:24- Districts' obligation to provide in-home supports and services
- 19:07- Increase in requests for IS
As the information contained herein is necessarily general, its application to a particular set of facts and circumstances may vary. For this reason, this News Brief does not constitute legal advice. We recommend that you consult with your counsel prior to acting on the information contained herein.