Page 5 - 2024 Brown Act Handbook
P. 5

staff will need to plan accordingly when distributing records to the legislative body after the
               agenda is posted if the records cannot be made available at a designated physical public location.
               Text changes have been made to the Handbook to address the Sierra Watch case and subsequent
               legislative changes.

               3.      Clarifications Have Been Made to the Public’s Requests for Agenda Packages to Address
                       Electronic Distribution.

               Government Code section 54954.1 provides that upon written request by the media, or any
               member of the public, the agenda and all documents constituting the agenda packet shall be
               mailed to the person making the request at the time the agenda is posted or upon distribution to
               all, or a majority of all, of the members of the legislative body, whichever occurs first.
               Amendments effective January 1, 2023, added text to address electronic copies of agenda
               packets.  Most agencies already follow the additional procedures, which are as follows:

                       If a local agency has an internet website, the legislative body or its designee shall
                       email a copy of, or website link to, the agenda or a copy of all the documents
                       constituting  the  agenda  packet  if  the  person  requests  that  the  item  or  items  be
                       delivered by email. If the local agency determines it is technologically infeasible to
                       send a copy of all documents constituting the agenda packet or a link to a website
                       that contains the documents by email or by other electronic means, the legislative
                       body or its designee shall send by mail a copy of the agenda or a website link to the
                       agenda and mail a copy of all other documents constituting the agenda packet in
                       accordance with the mailing requirements established pursuant to this section.

      2024 Brown Act Handbook                                                           
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