ACSA Every Child Coun

Untangling Comp-Ed Complications
Event Single


Compensatory education is a perennial issue in special education; and will now be at the forefront of special education as students transition back to an in-person learning model for the 2020-2021 school year, and have annual IEPs reviewing their progress during the COVID-19 pandemic.
•What is compensatory education, exactly?
•For students who have missed months of in-person instruction, how should school districts calculate what compensatory education looks like?
•What if students or parents have refused to participate in distance learning or other educational options during the pandemic?
•Given state and federal guidance, as well as parent advocacy groups, state that districts should consider compensatory education to make up a loss in services or progress during distance learning, how can districts provide compensatory services to a large amount of students in the most efficient way?

This event is reserved for school district or public agency employees only. Please contact Client Services for more information.

Event Info:

  • February 3rd, 2021
  • 10:00am - 10:45am
  • Online
  • Conference
