24th CCFC Annual Conference

CEQA from the Ground Up: Legal Misconceptions, Exemptions and Applications
Event Single


This workshop will explore the application of CEQA and other environmental laws to projects, including renovations, expansions, and real property sales or acquisitions. It will also help districts identify other actions that are deemed to be projects under CEQA. We will also cover recent developments and issues unique or common to community college districts. This presentation will provide participants with an overview of the CEQA process, a better understanding of the applicability of other environmental laws, and answers to their real world questions.

This event is reserved for school district or public agency employees only. Please contact Client Services for more information.

Event Info:

  • November 12th, 2017
  • 9:30am - 10:45am
  • Hyatt Regency
  • 1209 L Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814
  • Conference

