CASBO Shasta Cascade Section Fall Conference

Sorting It Out: Review of Certificated and Classified Employee Types (Substitute, Short Term, Temporary, Probationary, Permanent)
Event Single


Just a few years ago certificated and classified employee status issues seemed so simple. There was a time many thought certificated employees with less than a clear credential were all temps and the types of positions included in the classified service were clear. Then the winds blew us way off course, and many districts were left marooned in uncharted territory. Make sure that you know who is substitute, temporary, probationary and permanent ... and, just as important, what rights are associated with each status. Having your status and seniority issues resolved in the Fall will help you avoid a mutiny when you're preparing March 15 notices.

This event is reserved for school district or public agency employees only. Please contact Client Services for more information.

Event Info:

  • October 19th, 2017
  • 10:30am - 11:15am
  • Gaia Hotel
  • 4125 Riverside Pl
    Anderson, CA 96007
  • Conference
